20. Dec. 2013
There will be changes in some routes as of January 1
Following residents’ proposals, it has been decided that as of January 1, 2014 changes will be made in workday schedules of bus routes No. 36 and 47 and workday and holiday schedules of trolleybus routes No. 16. The changes apply to afternoon and evening hours, and are meant to improve the possibility for passengers to return home after work or studies. Schedules will be available at www.rigassatiksme.lv, as well as at public transport stops.
For more information about the services provided by "Rīgas satiksme", public transport routes and schedules, types of tickets and other news, please visit our webpage at www.rigassatiksme.lv, social networks "twitter", "facebook", "draugiem.lv" or call our toll-free information phone 80001919.